Red Flags
Watching Out For Red Flags May Be Challenging As Many Flags Are Found Amongst Many Children With No Delays Or Struggles. Seek Professional Guidance
- In Crawling
- In Speech
- In Hand Gestures
- In Facial Recognition
- Cognitive Learning
- Difficulty Sitting
- Non Stop Activity
- Easily Bored
- Difficulty in Task Completion
Sensory Sensitivity
- Sensitive to taste
- Sensitive to light
- Sensitive to scent
- Sensitive to touch & different materials
- Sensitive to sound
Motor Skills
- Inability in use Fine Motor Skills
- Inability to use Gross Motor Skills
- Lack of Eye Contact
- Lack of Social Engagement
- Difficulty making bonds
- Emotional Dysregulation
- Sleep Dysregulation
- Difficulty in Expressions
- Aggression
- Lack of Communication
- Repetitive Movements / Actions
- Lack of Attention
- Lack of Focus
- Memory Difficulties
- Delays in Learning
- Minimal Concentration